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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) cannot remove your problems, but it can help you deal with them in a more positive way.


It is based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap you in a vicious cycle.  CBT aims to help you crack this cycle by breaking down overwhelming problems into smaller parts and showing you how to change these negative patterns to improve the way you feel.


Unlike some other talking treatments, CBT deals with your current problems, rather than focusing on issues from your past. It looks for practical ways to

improve your state of mind on a daily basis.


CBT is a form of talking therapy that allows for a safe, confidential space in order for you to explore your problems and difficulties. It can be helpful for

anyone who wants to look at the way they are thinking or behaving.


CBT can be helpful for many issues including common difficulties such as;


- Depression

- Relationships

- Social Anxiety

- Phobia's

- Generalised Anxiety

- Stress

- Low self-esteem

- Work stresses

- Trauma

- Abuse


- Panic Attacks

- Sleep

- Eating


CBT can be completed in many different ways, the most common being face to face. However, Telephone and Online sessions are also available.


Face-to-face CBT

This is when you make an appointment with a therapist to see them in person, usually at their practice. Face-to-face sessions are one of the more popular therapy formats because they provide an opportunity for you to react to any emotions that arise there and then.


Telephone CBT

For those with busy lives, who cannot attend a face to face session, telephone CBT can offer a helpful alternative. Telephone CBT is speaking with your therapist over the phone instead of in person. This format tends to be more flexible and can potentially reduce waiting list times.


Online CBT

Some people prefer not to physically speak to a therapist at all, utilizing technology and emailing their therapist instead. This form of therapy allows you to take the time to think through what you wish to discuss, and many find the act of physically writing their issues down cathartic. Online CBT also offers you the chance to protect your anonymity.


Contact us to see how we might be able to support you.




Useful information can be found on and

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